At a crucial time in our social lives, the Government announced a second lockdown which, compared to the first appears to be more relaxed. However, those services which some are dependant on have been closed and are no longer accessible to those who are in need.
Here at Cotton Family, we made a key milestone change to the services we offer, and made them accessible virtually to an online environment. The first courses available are Baby Massage and Coaching - two key services for continuing our vision of a healthier wellbeing for our families, and more to come during Christmas and the New Year.
Katherine, our Baby Massage instructor has everything covered for our Baby Massage clients', so now you will not need to leave home or feel uncomfortable in a strange environment. What's more is that you may chat to your instructor in private for any concerns you might have.
Online courses are proving their worth through these difficult times as the welfare aspect of social distancing continues to strike people in unexpected ways and we strongly believe that being connected (online) you can continue to receive the benefits of our courses and still be connected to people.
Take our coaching service for example, what a prime opportunity to revisit your life goals and ambitions during lockdown. Aiming for strength and using your valued time during these unprecedented times will empower you to kick start your new future as lockdown ends.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of what we are currently all experiencing, want to learn more about our online courses or services we offer, contact us here. We would be more than happy to open our hands and welcome you.